Membrii juriului
Multumim frumos urmatorilor fotografi si videografi care au raspuns invitatiei de a juriza aceasta editie a concursului.
Membrii juriului sunt afisati in ordine aleatorie.
Thanks to the following photographers and videographers who agreed to jury this edition the contest. The members are displayed randomly.
Membrii juriului sunt afisati in ordine aleatorie.
Thanks to the following photographers and videographers who agreed to jury this edition the contest. The members are displayed randomly.
Juriul pentru concursul de fotografie
Erika Mann (Two Mann Studios)
Cristiano OstinelliCristiano grew up in the field of photo reportage since 1995, making a name for himself in several international competitions. He photographs prestigious weddings with his spontaneous and extremely refined style.
Member of numerous associations, like: WPJA, ISPWP, Fearless, WPPI, WPS, he has also received numerous awards, being honoured WPJA photographer of the year in 2013 and also 1st place in TOP 20 International Photographer by WPS.
"Just as passion is a feeling that does not know age nor time, Ostinelli's images highlight that which is timeless and universal. He says, "I want those who view my work to recognize an original style, one that is personal and is not dictated by the fashions of the moment." - WPJA -
Todd LafflerI began my journey in photography when I was 17 years of age. My mother showed me how to shoot, develop, and print black and white photographs in her makeshift darkroom in our basement. I was blown away by the whole process, and instantly became infatuated. I started photographing what I knew best, which at the time was skateboarding. I even made my own skateboard magazine using my photography. After high school I went on to earn my BFA in Photography from the Maryland Institute College of Art. In 2012 I was incredibly honored to be named one of the top ten wedding photographers in the world by American Photo Magazine.
Franck BoutonnetFranck has been a documentary photographer for 14 years. He divides his time between his family, his personal long-term projects, his wedding photo-reportages, and item, the photography agency he co-founded in 2001, dedicated to concerned documentary photography. Over the years, he joined international structures such as WPJA, ISPWP, BOWP or Fearless.
Until now his work has been regularly awarded (more than 100 awards) and recognized at an international level through contests organized by these organizations or others like Junebug Weddings. In 2009, he received the WPJA Photographer of the Year 2008 award. In 2010, the Italian magazine Just Married put him in the top 5 best photographers of the year worldwide. In 2011 and 2012, he was ranked in the top 15 Fearless photographers.
In his photographic approach, he feels close to the tradition of humanist photography. For his personal projects like for his weddings, he tries to tell a story or different stories with a highly personal vision, trying to have a lyrical and poetic strength in his images -
Emin Kuliyev- International [AG]WPJA Award Winning Wedding Photographer
- 29 Fearless awards
- The Top 10 Wedding Photographers of 2013 (American Photo Mag)
"A self-taught photographer, Emin credits WPJA and the WPJA photographers for inspiring him to become a wedding photographer. He says, “WPJA helped me to create a vision and grow as a photographer. When I photograph a wedding, I am motivated to do it better, to be more creative.”
What stands out about Emin is a strong artistic sensibility that pushing him towards creating more expressive, beautiful, poignant work. While it’s difficult to imagine how he could possibly take his photography to the next level, we will not be surprised when he does. " WPJA -
Daniel & Davina KudishDaniel has had a camera in his hands since he was a kid. Accompanied by his father, a well-accomplished amateur photographer, a teenage Daniel was the youngest attendee at workshops in New York City and Boston. Later in life, but when he was still a relatively young man, he completed a degree in professional photography from Dawson College in Montreal, and met his future wife Davina a few years later in 2007.
And that is when Davina’s love affair with photography began. She was in her final year of Journalism School, and she was confused about what she wanted to do with her life. She very much enjoyed the story-telling aspects of journalism, but she had yet to find a medium of expression that felt like an extension of herself. It wasn’t until a camera was brought to her eye that she finally felt like she had found her voice. It didn’t take long for her to commit to this new career - and to the man who helped her discover it! - and she launched herself into both the art and the business of wedding photography.
Today Davina + Daniel ( photograph destination and international weddings exclusively. They have photographed weddings in Japan, Italy, Bhutan, Guatemala, Taipei, Mexico, Monaco, Panama, Costa Rica... as well as several cities in the United States and Canada. They have been published in international publications worldwide, were named one of the top 10 Most Sought-After Photographers of 2012 by Rangefinder magazine, have both individually won ISPWP’s Photographer of the Quarter Award, Daniel was Fearless Photographer’s 2012 Photographer of the Year. -
Nikos Pekridis
Pedro EturaMember of Fearless Photographers and Unionwep, Pedro Etura has received in 2011 and 2012 the LUX ORO National Photography Award and also over 25 Fearless awards.
"Photography is my life. Capturing what happens in front of me while interfering as little as possible, documenting the feelings. I enjoy photographing weddings, because they are a unique moment for the people who are getting married, and that creates vertigo and adrenaline, which can be seen in the photographs. I photograph life."
Juriul pentru concursul de videografie
Sergio DuarteSergio Duarte is a very respected professional in his country and his work is followed around by many professionals around the globe.
Currently, he has his own studio (WEDD STORIES) in Coimbra, and besides Wedding cinematography, he writes and produces his own films in the field.
He loves to tell stories on the screen and producing/directing is his greatest passion.
Active member of EEVA (European Event Videographer Association), he is the recipient of awards for 2012 (Silver) and 2013 (Gold).
In 2013 (March) he was a speaker in the largest Portuguese Photography and Video Event (AFP Expofoto) and in March 2014 he was invited as Master in a 5-day forum (Forum Onboard), sponsored by EEVA between Rome and Barcelona.
Currently has taught his workshop "35mm of Passion" in Portugal which he has been invited to teach also in Brazil where he will be in 2015 to give a 2 day workshop and speak in Wedding Brazil, the greatest wedding congress in Latin America.
Its history was enriched by seeing his name be selected to join the EEVA Top15 list (2013), occupying the 5th position in the European ranking. -
Vito D'Agostino
Ruzal Akhmadyshev (Studio myGraphics)Jury member:
studio myGraphics awards:
- The backstage from a show award EEVA 2014
- Best video editor EEVA 2013
- Best wedding talk EEVA 2013
- Best colorist EEVA 2012 -
Yulia Vopilova
Leos BrabecLeos Brabec awards:
- EEVA Top 15 FILMMAKER 2013
- Winner - European Best Videographer 2012
- Bronze - European Best Cameraman 2011